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  • How To Craft A Winning Software Development Strategy

    How To Craft A Winning Software Development Strategy

    There are several important steps to craft a winning strategy for efficient, high-quality, and error-free software development. A smart, detailed software engineering strategy serves as an in-depth action plan for how to design, develop, deploy, and distribute applications. In short, these strategies encompass all the necessary steps, requirements, processes, tactics, and practices that should be used throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC). As a programmer yourself, you need to know how to brainstorm, conceptualize, and implement a scalable build strategy. This way, you can improve visibility, align management processes, and minimize development risks. Plus, your strategy can even help improve engineer experiences and upgrade company IT operations. To get started now, read on to learn how to craft a winning software development strategy.

    Create A Team

    Before you write a single line of code, start your strategy with a clear, organized, and experienced software development team. Create a dependable group of employees with unique technical skills. On the average software project, you’ll need professionals responsible for system architecture design, coding, quality assurance (QA) testing, and release management. You may also want to appoint someone to serve as the project manager (PM) or leader. If you currently lack the necessary manpower, don’t be afraid to outsource responsibilities to trustworthy, third-party firms. Or, you can work with external staffing firms to create a skilled, expert team in-house. Surely, create a team to kickstart your software development strategy.

    Outline All The Necessary Tools

    Next, outline all the necessary development tools that will be part of your software engineering strategy. Include all the required resources, solutions, and supporting technologies in your programming action plan. For example, you may want to use a Kubernetes registry by JFrog for simplified k8s cluster provisioning, streamlined application orchestration, and unlimited Docker hub access. Plus, these resources offer a universal repository – which can securely manage all of your Docker build dependencies. Including these tools in your strategy, you’ll be able to improve collaboration, automate development processes, and mitigate hazardous project risks. Certainly, outline all the necessary tools and technologies that will be part of your software development strategy.

    Plan Development Iterations

    You can now start thinking about the possible development iterations you’ll be following once the project begins. Nearly every modern software development team recommends building in small, incremental “chunks.” This process gives you ample time to involve user feedback and conduct QA testing. For your first iteration, work towards developing a minimum viable product (MVP), which is basically a software prototype. This rough version should contain all your software’s core functionality – without being completely polished. Definitely, plan out development iterations to start your next project with a clear, smart, and action-driven software development strategy.

    Choose A Build Model

    At this point, it is time to start thinking about your preferred software development methodology. Even if you are developing your own bespoke build strategy, it still helps to follow a historically-proven model. Historically, some of the most popular options are agile, waterfall, lean, and rapid application development (RAD). In recent years, many teams are opting to work with DevOps. This collaborative methodology encourages teamwork between development and IT operations departments. Of course, this is known to improve availability, transparency, efficiency, and final system quality. Absolutely, choose a build model to execute your new software development strategy in 2022.

    Develop An Initial Timeline

    Now, you are ready to start working on an initial timeline for your repeatable software engineering strategy. Outline all the steps and phases that will take you through the end-to-end development process. Break down all the necessary tasks, responsibilities, requirements, and obstacles that will be encountered throughout the SDLC. With all of these stages drawn out, you can accurately forecast approximate project duration – and even assign a target release date. Once you have a timeline ready, pass it off to your lead project manager. They’ll review it for feasibility and practicality, then delegate tasks accordingly. Indeed, develop an initial timeline to get your software development strategy up-and-running.

    There are several essential steps to craft a winning software development strategy. First and foremost, create a team of developers, UI/UX designers, QA engineers, and software engineering project managers. Next, outline all the necessary development tools, resources, and technologies you’ll need throughout the process. You should also start organizing your forecasted development iterations. At this point, start thinking about your preferred software engineering methodology. Then, start working on your initial project timeline. Follow the points highlighted above to learn how to craft a winning software development strategy.

  • Paytm IPO Review : Allotment Status, GMP Price

    Paytm IPO Review : Allotment Status, GMP Price

    The recent development in the financial industry has seen the launch of many new products, including the PayTM IPO. However, the PayTM IPO Allotment status is a product of different company called Sybase, which is a leading company of India. The name “Sybase” is derived from “Site” and “base,” and hence the name ” SYBA”.

    The PayTM IPO is based on the equity value of the Indian company Sybase. This IPO will be issued by the Mumbai Stock Exchange (MDAQ) and will be listed on the stock exchange in the first week of April. The reason behind the IPO is that the market expects a huge growth in the financial services industry and so there is a big demand for these stocks. The market expects a revenue of approximately $5 billion in the next fiscal year. Therefore, there is a huge potential for profit in this deal.

    As per the market experts, the PayTM IPO Allotment Status is a product of Morgan Stanley Investment Management, the investment firm of Morgan Stanley Securities. This company possesses the right of first refusal. So, any investor who may present a complaint against the price manipulation, or the lack of transparency in the deal, will not be permitted to participate in the deal. According to the norms of the deal, the IPO will be open for trading only to accredited brokers. The list of the authorized brokers includes Morgan Stanley Securities, Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, Goldman Sachs India, Lehman Brothers Ltd, Prudential Securities and Guaranty Trust, J.P. Morgan & Co., JP Morgan Securities and Trust, Merrill Lynch India Limited, Deutsche Bank AG, Merrill Lynch Europe Ltd, Credit Suisse First Boston and Credit Suisse Global, Deccan India and Emerald Seas.

    Make Your Future Secure With PayTM IPO

    PayTM IPO Allotment status

    If the shareholders of PayTM decide to participate in the deal, they can sell their shares at a price of zero on the basis of the estimated future profits. It is expected that the gross value of the deal will be approximately Rs. 65 billion. Out of this amount, about seventy per cent will be paid to the retail investors by the promoters as premium. The retail investors will have to pay taxes according to the statutory structure- seventy five per cent will be as income tax and the remaining thirty five per cent will be as regular income tax.

    Retail investors are allowed to invest up to two million dollars as equity in the deal. The subscription caps for all the individual investors will be set at two million dollars each. All the transactions will be done through the Invictus platform. The retail investors have to pay taxes only when they make profits from the investment. They cannot invest more than two million dollars as premium on the initial subscription of PayTM IPO Allotment Status.

    PayTM IPO is the future of Indian mutual funds. The present world scenario has turned extremely volatile. The recent downfall in the economy of U.S. and Japan has left the country with negative balance of foreign currencies. A large number of funds are withdrawing from India due to low returns. The limited number of funds are in a hurry to dispose out their invested amounts as soon as possible to avoid losses.

    Paytm IPO Grey market premium :

    According to the terms of the deal, the retail investors will receive one percent as the final payouts in the IPO. After the subscription period, the payouts will increase by ten percent every year until it reaches a maximum of Cairns per share sale price. The payouts will be made once a year. In case the IPO is a hot stock, then the payouts will be more during the first half of the year and decrease slightly thereafter. However, the investors who purchase PayTM IPO should not expect any increases in their share prices for the entire duration of contract.

    The monday auction is the best time of the year to invest in a good share in any organization. There are many bidders interested to invest in your company but you must know which among them have the financial backing and where can you get a good broker. To know more, you can check out some useful articles and blogs related to digital payments firm IPO. Do not forget to subscribe to their newsletters. You can also follow their Twitter handle – paytm ipo Allotment Status.

    Also Read : How to check IPO Allotment Status?

    How To Apply For PayTM IPO?

    Here’s all you need to know on how to apply for paytm IPO allotment status: login to your Zerodha Online Account and choose Invest with Light Stick. Once logged in, a pop-up window will appear. In the pop-up window select “IPO”. A list of current IPOs will appear.

    apply for paytm ipo

    c) Click on the “View All Transactions” link to list all shares you are holding as part of your portfolio. d) Click on the appropriate ticker symbol under the stock symbol. e) Click on the down arrow on the bottom left corner of the screen to filter your results by stock index, share price and trading date. List all the stocks under the applicable ticker symbols. (The list will be sorted from newest to oldest.)

    f) Now it’s time to select the appropriate number of lot sizes for your portfolio. You can allocate large lots size up to 50 millionths of a penny. You can allocate small lots size up to one penny. You can’t apply for pay mileage if you don’t have any stock shares to buy.

    g) After you have reserved your ipo allowance, you should open the application form. The application form will ask you certain questions regarding your financial records. The form will ask you to provide information on your current and previous addresses. It will also ask you to list the names of your existing brokerage accounts. It will also require you to list your capital assets. It is advisable to keep away from providing fake information in order to avoid any credit problems at a later stage.

    h) After filling up the application form, you should submit it. You should receive an e-mail in your inbox with the details of your application. The e-mail will also contain a link which you should click in order to register your shares. There will be a reminder e-mail sent to you as well at november’s november lot size.

    i) After receiving the registration confirmation, you should go to the IPO investor platform by logging in to the site. You should then select the button ‘View All Shares’ on the main page of the application. You should then filter down your search on the left hand side pane of the page by selecting the option ‘By Symbol.’ Then you should type in the ticker symbol of the particular share you selected.

    j) After filtering down your search, you should view the list of investment companies that have an account with the brokerage firm. Check the category which corresponds to the share which you have ticked in the second step above. For this you should open a demat account under the investment company that you are already using for your own trading. For this you should log into your own account or create one under your chosen broker’s category.

    k) After you have created or opened a demat account under your chosen broker, you should click on the ‘Submit Quotes’ button on the main page. This will bring out the quotes of your stocks that are currently listed in the MSA. You should now see all the details regarding the amount that you will earn when your stocks achieve the given percentage. You should then follow the rate per share that is displayed on the quote next to the rate per share which is displayed on the homepage of the iPoS deal site. You should then follow the onscreen instructions to submit your quote.

    l) The next step to apply for paytm IPO is to select the category under which your shares will be listed. We suggest that you stick to the largest category which is the Growth and Other category. growth and other category allows you to choose from stocks which are related to growth such as blue-chips or green chips. There are also some companies which are related to the sector which you can select from like utilities, real estate or automobiles.

    m) The third step to apply for paytm IPO is to visit the ‘MyIPO’ page. This is a new page which has been setup by the iPoS venture. If you visit the ‘MyIPO’ page you should select the region from which you wish to invest in the stock market. From here you should go through all the options such as the ticker symbol to select the stock and finally click on the’submit’ button. This is how you invest in pay move market and if you are successful you may see yourself becoming the richest person in India.

    Conclusion :

    The payTM ipo allotment status is one of the simplest ways to invest in the stock market as well as the safest one in India. There are many other investment options like bank transfers, but nothing compares to investing in the share market with pay move market. Even with all the risks there is still a very large potential to make huge money. For more information about investing in the pay move market in India look forward to one last e-bay diaries. For paytm ipo grey market premium should visit here for more information.

  • Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment status:Follow this to check

    Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment status:Follow this to check

    Nazara Technologies Ipo allotment status? You are searching for the status of your application for the ipo. Then the ipo allotment status check date is 24th march 2021, You can check your allotment status by following steps or procedure :

    How to check your Nazara tech IPO Allotment status in Linkintiem?

    •    Step 1: Browse the website and by simply clicking on the given link here.

    •    Step 2: Now, go to the “Recent IPOs” tab.

    •    Step 3: In the company’s IPO section, choose IPO allotment status.

    •    Step 4: For inquiry of a query, enter your details. Here, you will have to enter your application number, PAN card number as well as client ID.

    •    Step 5: When you have done with the previous steps without any interruption, you have to enter the type of your application. This means you have to fill either it is of ASBA type or non-ASBA one.

    •    Step 6: After it, enter your application number and verify that you are not any robot by just entering the CAPTCHA code given at the end of this form.

    •    Step 7: Now, click on the submit button given below the form.

    •    Step 8: The system will automatically display the output whether you have got any allotment or not.

    Nazara tech ipo Allotment status You can check Now : Follow this instructions –

    You can follow this steps to check your Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment in Bse allotment page by following Instructions :

    •    Step 1: Go to the “Allotment Section” of the Bombay Stock Exchange by clicking here.

    •    Step 2: Now, select the type of issue about which you want to know the instructions.

    •    Step 3: After this, select the name of the issue as IPO.

    •    Step 4: After doing this, carefully enter the application number that you had received from your client.

    •    Step 5: Then enter the PAN card number of the investor who applied for this.

    •    Step 6: When you have done all these steps, enter the CAPTCHA code shown on the screen for verifying that you are not a robot.

    •    Step 7: Now, click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button.

    •    Step 8: The system will show the results of your IPO allotment status.

    Nazara technologies Company Analysis :

    Let’s talk about some games which you play on your phone like subway surfers, candy crush etc. Now would you buy the shares of the company making these games, which brings us to the upcoming IPO which is an interesting one named Nzara Technologies who develop games. Another interesting fact is that one of India’s biggest investors, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has a stake in the company. Let’s talk about the Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment company’s business, industry soo that you can make an informed decision.

    Incorporation :

    Nazara Tech was incorporated in 1999 and is the leading gaming companies of India and provides different mobile gaming and esports to its customers. The company is spread across the world in countries like Middle East and Latin America too.

    Now, what is esports? 2 professionals or teams play the same sport at the same time and challenge each other. The company has a major market share in esports streaming and on-demand esports. Some of the famous esport games in India are carrom clash, world cricket championship.Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment : Rakesh Jhunjhunwala has 10.8% stake in the company and is not selling his stake in the IPO. Monthly active users are very important for any gaming company and what are these It is the number of users that visited the app and played different games.

    If we talk about Nazara Tech, their MAU base is more than 57 million and how their games are extensively used. Let’s now talk about the segment-wise revenue the company generates. As you can see the different segments under which Nazara Tech has operations Like gamified early learning, esports, telco subscription, freemium and real money gaming. The total revenue was 2000 million till Sept 2020 and the largest share was from gamified early learning which contributes 39% to the total revenue of the company. esports at 31.78% nazara tech ipo allotment date, telco subscription at 21.33% Till the last year, their major revenue contributor was esports at 34% and telco at 33% meaning recently the revenue from gamified early learning has risen quite high.

    Nazara technologies IPO Company Revenue Analysis :

    Let’s now talk revenue in terms of geography. If we see, North America has given the major chunk of revenues till Sept 30, 2020, which is 41.64% contribution to the total revenue From India, 41.15%. Till the last year, major revenue came from India at 59% and was only 12.91%from North America and in today’s time the company has generated more revenue from other countries.

    Let’s now talk about the whole industry and compare it with the world’s movie and music industry. In 2017, the gaming industry was 116 billion USD, which is now at 157.5 billion USD. This industry has taken a huge leap over music and movie industry allotment status for nazara technologies , the movie segment at 39.8 billion USD and the music segment at 57 billion USD and this was a comparison of gaming industry to the world’s movie and music segment. An interesting comparison between the Indian gaming industry to Bollywood. As of 2020, the total gaming segment is 1.5 billion USD and Bollywood at 0.9 billion USD And if we see the expectation for 2023, the gaming industry would be at 3.5 billion USD and would get doubled as per the research report.

    Financial Analysis for Nazara technologies Ipo :

    Let’s now talk about the financials and compare the revenue and profits of the company. If we see 2018, the total revenue was 181.94 Cr, 2019 was 186 Cr and the profit rises from 1 Cr to 6 Cr. The revenue jumps to 262 Cr in 2020 but profit falls to -26 Cr. If I speak till Sept 30, 2020 the company has booked 207 Cr in revenue and profit at -10.1 Cr. The operating profit margin of the company is -2.94% meaning the expenses are more than the revenue. The net profit is the subtraction of expenses from revenue and is at -4.88% currently. The market cap at which the company wants to list itself is 6200 Cr and since the company is loss-making we cannot talk about the PE ratio, lets see the PB ratio which is at 10 and price to sales ratio is important for online companies meaning how much price do you pay for a sale. The price to sales for the company is 30 and the company is completely debt-free.

    Advantages of Nazara Tech ipo :

    Let’s start with pros of investing,

    • The first pro comes across as the whole gaming industry, there are 3 reasons which can be seen as positives for the industry First being smartphone penetration Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment, their has been a huge amount of penetration due to the falling prices of smartphones from which the gaming industry saw a growth and if it continues to grow, the gaming industry would have a direct advantage.
    • The second being the speed of the internet, which has increased with the data charges reduced the industry has benefited and in turn the company has and will and most of the games need internet due to the multiplayer facility and the speed of internet has directly impacted the industry.
    • The per capita growth and rise in disposable income is an advantage as people normally do online payments.
    • The company has a leadership position in a diversified set of offerings. The company has grown inorganically too, they acquired Next Wave company in 2018 to better their cricket offerings.
    • The company has been growing organically and inorganically Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment to better their products and diversify their offerings Next is the monthly active user base being 57 million who visit the application daily and if monetised properly, the revenue can be increased a lot. but it can be seen in the coming times that how the company uses active users to build revenue.
    • Next, the industry is an asset-light business, meaning they don’t need heavy capital expenditure.

    Disadvantages of Nazara Tech IPO :

    • The first con is that the company is loss-making and has booked a loss in the last 6 months too. The PB is 10, Price to sales at 30 from which we can imagine PE being very high due to which we can say that the company’s valuations are at a premium.
    • The company also has civil and legal cases with a total liability of 11 Cr.
    • The industry has seen a lot of competition in which new players have tried acquiring market share and did extensive marketing. For example, Dream11 and MPL are the startups which are running their business in the segment.

    Nazara tech ipo Allotment Dates :

    Let’s talk about the important dates and numbers to keep in mind before bidding The IPO will be from 17th March to 19th March and the tentative listing date is 30th March 2021 meaning it will be listed on NSE and BSE The price band is from Rs 1100 to 1101 and the minimum lot size is 13 shares, Nazara Technologies IPO Allotment will check here.

    Nazara technologies ipo status check here :

    You can check ipo allotment status of nazara technologies by following this vedio :

  • Check Now Laxmi organics IPO allotment status

    Check Now Laxmi organics IPO allotment status

    Laxmi organics’ is a chemical company with a capital of Rs 600 crore. Laxmi organic’s ipo allotment status will be done on 20th march 2021 here visit here for regular updates. The company has raised its Initial Public Offerings (IPO) on March 15, 2021. The IPO offered by the company aims to be a publicly-traded company. In the process, the company Laxmi Organics sells its partial ownership to raise its capital with market investors’ help. The new openings have shares of Rs 500 crores and OFS of Rs 300 crores.   

    The issuer of these IPO, Laxmi Organic Industries Limited IPO, from March 15, 2021, to March 17, 2021. The introductory price of these shares is Rs 129 to Rs 130 per equity share with a face value of Rs 2 per equity share.  

    About the company

    This company Laxmi Organics is a part of flagship companies since 1990 from the Goenka Groups. It has become one of the leading brands of specialty intermediates and acetyl intermediates manufacturing’s with various products available under the brand.

    The IPO issued by the company will further be utilized to form a fluoro-specialty chemicals manufacturing unit of the same company is under the same group. The company’s new venture unit has an excellent competitive strength to frame healthy competition and a diversified portfolio with different products. Moreover, the industry has a record for three decades and has a global presence with its head office in India and Europe. Being a worldwide exporter and clientele base of various pharmaceuticals, packaged products, chemicals, this company has become a good opportunity for the future.  

    About Laxmi Organics IPO?

    The IPO offered to be the Laxmi Organics Company filed DRHP with SEBI to launch its IPO of Rs 800 crores. It came up with a face value of Rs 2 per equity share of the company for the public investors. The size offered by the company is Rs 800 Crores which includes both types of shares offered Laxmi organics IPO allotment status, fresh equity shares and the offer for sale (OFS) equity shares from promoters. However, the total reveal was of the size of the request but not of the lot size.  

    How to avail for Laxmi Organic IPO?

    Suppose you are looking to purchase any of the equity shares offered by Laxmi Organic. In that case, you can do this by applying on the website and submitting an application form requesting the purchases of part of the IPO offered.

    Steps used to apply in Laxmi Organic IPO 

    1. Visit the website and log in using your login ID and password.
    2. Go to your profile on the website and click on the list of IPOs link.
    3. Particularly search and click on the ‘Laxmi Organic IPO’ row and tap on the ‘Bid’ button.
    4. Further for your payment, enter your UPI ID, Quantity, and Price you want to purchase.
    5. ‘Submit’ your IPO application form.
    6. Visit the following UPI App for further payment and approve it. 
    7. And for further details about your equity shares, you can see them on your profile. 

    What Is IPO allotment process?

    IPO or Initial Public Offering is a method using which, a private organization offers the general public to purchase its share stocks. It is a way through which a private organization can go public.

    There are various process of checking your IPO allotment status. If you are not getting any proper suggestions or instructions about the same, we are here to guide you for this purpose.

    Our motive behind instructing you about this is to make sure that you may do the further process without any interruption and as soon as possible. Data of IPO allotment status will be made public on our website on upcoming Friday, March 19. You are advised to log on to our website on September 19 for checking your laxmi organics IPO allotment status.

    Different Methods to Check Your IPO Allotment Status for Laxmi organic ipo

    The process of allotment of company shares to the investors or organizations is carried out under the supervision of company, the registrar, and the lead manager of IPO. The investors can also check their IPO allotment status on the IPO allotment page of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) by following some simple steps.

    Method I.   Steps for checking IPO Allotment Status of lakshmi organic ipo :

    Laxmi Organic ipo allotment status will be available on 20th March 2021, You can check your allotment status by following steps or procedure :

    •    Step 1: Browse the website and by simply clicking on the given link here.

    •    Step 2: Now, go to the “Recent IPOs” tab.

    •    Step 3: In the company’s IPO section, choose IPO allotment status.

    •    Step 4: For inquiry of a query, enter your details. Here, you will have to enter your application number, PAN card number as well as client ID.

    •    Step 5: When you have done with the previous steps without any interruption, you have to enter the type of your application. This means you have to fill either it is of ASBA type or non-ASBA one.

    •    Step 6: After it, enter your application number and verify that you are not any robot by just entering the CAPTCHA code given at the end of this form.

    •    Step 7: Now, click on the submit button given below the form.

    •    Step 8: The system will automatically display the output whether you have got any allotment or not.

          Checking your IPO allotment status in Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Page :

    You can follow this steps to check your laxmi organics ipo allotment status in Bse allotment page by following Instructions :

    •    Step 1: Go to the “Allotment Section” of the Bombay Stock Exchange by clicking here.

    •    Step 2: Now, select the type of issue about which you want to know the instructions.

    •    Step 3: After this, select the name of the issue as IPO.

    •    Step 4: After doing this, carefully enter the application number that you had received from your client.

    •    Step 5: Then enter the PAN card number of the investor who applied for this.

    •    Step 6: When you have done all these steps, enter the CAPTCHA code shown on the screen for verifying that you are not a robot.

    •    Step 7: Now, click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button.

    •    Step 8: The system will show the results of your IPO allotment status.

    Here we conclude that Laxmi organics IPO allotment status process is explained throughly, if you have doubts let us know in the comment section.

  • Anupam Rasayan IPO Allotment Status You can check now

    Anupam Rasayan IPO Allotment Status You can check now

    Are you Looking for how to check the allotment status of Anupam Rasayan ipo ? Then you are at right place, You can check your anupam rasayan ipo allotment status. One can check thier Allotment status on 19th March 2021. Visit us on 19th sep to check your status of anupam rasayan ipo.

    What Are the different ways you can check the Allotment status of Anupam Rasayan?

    Anupam rasayan ipo’s Lead manager and Registrar looks after the process of allotting the shares to each invidual investor or business. Anupam Rasayan ipo registrar is Kfintech Private limited. You can even check the status in BSE Ipo Allotment Page.

    Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status Check IN Kfintech :

    • Visit the Registrar Website Kfintech Clicking Here :
    • Select The recent Ipo’s Tab.
    • Now Select Anupam rasayan ipo in company’s IPO Tab.
    • Now Query By select Application No/ PAN CARD/ CLIENT ID.
    • Application Type select whether applied through ASBA OR NON ASBA.
    • Now Enter your Application Number. Enter The Captcha Code.
    • Now Enter the submit Tab.
    • If you got allotment display the result.

    Check your Allotment Status in Bse Allotment Page for Anupam Rasayan IPO :

    • Visit The Allotment status page of bse: Click Here
    • Now you can select the issue type.
    • Choose your issue name as anupam rasayan ipo.
    • Now enter your Application Number from your client.
    • Enter your PAN CARD off the applied application.
    • Now fill the captcha code.
    • Now press the search option.
    • You will get result of your anupam rasayan ipo allotment status

    Also Read : LIC IPO

    Anupam Rasayan IPO Review, Business Analysis Industry Financials :

    Let’s talk about another IPO named Anupam Rasayan, its business, its industry, and the financials soo that you can decide whether to invest or not.

    Anupam Rasayan IPO Company Analysis :

    Let’s start by talking about the company’s business.

    The company manufactures custom synthesis and special chemicals. Assume to manufacture a chemical you need a particular molecule and is specifically needed for the product and would be made with the same purity as required and is called custom synthesis. Companies get these molecules made for specific requirements and this is where this company comes into the picture.

    If I talk about the special chemicals, that have been manufacturing agro, fertilizers and construction chemicals. The company has two verticals named life sciences and other specialty chemicals and if we talk about life sciences, the company has been manufacturing agro, fertilizers, cosmetics.

    An interesting fact is that this business vertical gives them 93% of their total revenue And if we see the crop protection segment, it contributes 71% to the total revenue. Life sciences and crop protection segment can be considered the most important for the business due to revenue generation. Under the other specialty segment, they have been manufacturing pigment, dyes, and polymers which contributes 6.2% to their total revenue.

    Now since crop protection is one of the big revenue-generating segment, they have some customers with whom they have a strong relationship namely Syngenta, Sumitomo, and UPL who take their services to produce their final products. They have strong long term relationship building with their customers which have spaned to 10 years Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status. They have 53 domestic and 17 international customers to whom they have exported their product.

    Company’s Main Focussed Business :

    Let’s now talk about the main focus areas of the company in the coming future.

    They want to focus on innovation in custom synthesis to provide better service to customers. Secondly, they want to expand their product portfolio which can bring them significant growth Thirdly, they want to improve cost efficiency in the coming time.

    Know more : What are Mutual funds?

    Anupam rasayan ipo Industry :

    Let’s now talk about the industry under which the company has been operating. We will speak about the whole specialty chemical industry. We will try to see the bifurcation of the global industry in terms of different countries and total value. This pie chart tells you the global specialty chemicals market, 2019, in which the value was 725 billion USD. In the breakup, 45% comes from Asia-Pacific Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status, 21% to North America, 23% to Europe, and 12% to the rest of the world.

    From here you can gauge that Asia-Pacific is the most prominent. Since we have seen the overall value of specialty chemicals, now would see the specific chemicals which have the largest market share Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status. From 2015 to 2019, the industry saw a 5.4% CAGR, and is expected to be 5.5% by 2024.

    If I talk about 2019, agrochemicals have the biggest market share which is 121 billion USD followed by fertilizers, water treatment chemicals, pigments, dyes, textile chemicals, flavours and fragrances and personal care ingredients and from here you can understand that the major contributor is agrochemicals and would remain that in 2024 too, where their share would go from 121 to 159 billion USD.

    The overall growth is said to be 5.5% but if we see F&S report, India can see a growth of 10-11% CAGR. Now, why would India grow more than the world is because of the concentration in Asia-Pacific Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status. Secondly, the stringent norms in China have shifted most of the production to India due to which a 10-11% growth can be seen in India. And the custom synthesis industry in India can also expect a growth of 11-12% because it is used in the end product hence the demand can rise.

    Financial’s Of Anupam Rasayan IPO :

    Let’s now talk about the revenue and profits the company has earned In March 2018, total revenue was 349 Cr and the company made a 40 Cr profit which rises to 520 Cr and profit of 50 Cr in 2019 and a profit of 52 Cr in 2020 with a revenue of 539 Cr And if we see till dec 30, 2020, the company has made a revenue of 563 Cr and booked a profit of 48 Cr And the trend of revenue and profits shows us that the company has shown growth continuously.

    Let us now compare Anupam Rasayan with its industry peers. We have made a comparison with Chemcon, Tata chemicals, Deepak nitrate and tried comparing different parameters. Now Anupam Rasayan wants to list itself at a PE ratio of 72.2 and is the highest among all of them PI Industries had a PE of 51 whereas Chemcon had 32 and the PE of the company can be considered higher than the industry. The ROE of the company is 7.44%, whereas Chemcon is at 40.17% Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status, Deepak nitrate at 46.57% and PI Industries at 18.55%, soo the ROE of the company can be considered low compared to the industry. The operating profit margin of the company is 20.67%, Chemcon at 26.83%, Deepak nitrate at 26.68% The debt-equity ratio is 1.02 and the rest of them are less than 1

    Pro’s and Con’s of Anupam Rasayan IPO :

    Anupam Rasayan IPO, The pros and cons of investing in the IPO and the important dates to keep in mind. I’ll quickly start with the pros of investing in this IPO.

    Pro’s of Anupam Rasayan :

    • The first pro can be considered the industry’s growth drivers, migration from China is happening to tech advanced countries. If we speak about India, many specialty chemicals are being produced here and the major reason being the stringent norms due to which many companies were shut from which India benefited.
    • Second can be the rapid urbanization due to which land availability is under pressure and to fulfill food requirements the demand for this company’s product has risen.
    • The third being that the products of this company are used in many industries and as industrialization will grow, the demand for their products is expected to rise. Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status
    • he next point is the barriers to entry in this industry is very high and barriers to entry meaning, no company can easily setup their business and acquire market share. and if we try to understand why the barriers to entry are high here Customer validation and approvals are very important in the manufacture of these products and the specifications also become important due to which entry for a company and to get so many approvals is not viable and to manufacture specialty chemicals according to the specifications is not easy.
    • Next being the strong and long-term relationships with customers and relationships with customers also act as a barrier to entry This would be seen in the coming time that how the company retains its customers and expands its product portfolio.
    • Next is the company’s diversified product portfolio and there are things if not supplied could directly impact the company’s revenue due to which the company has kept its portfolio diversified soo that that can be away from cyclicity to maintain revenue and profits.
    • The revenue from operations of the company saw a 24% CAGR from 2018 to 2020 and their exports too saw a 34% CAGR in the past few years. Even after covid impact, the company’s operating profit margin is 20% which is a healthy number.

    Con’s of Anupam Rasayan IPO :

    • Now let’s talk about the cons and risks of investing. The debt-equity ratio of the company is 1.02 which is the highest in the industry and the ROE is 7% which is not a good number. And the PE ratio is 72 which is a very high number as compared to 20 of the industry meaning the company wants to list itself at premium.
    • Now when a company supplies its product to customers, they expect timely payments because that timely payment is very important for the business and their cashflows This point becomes very important in Anupam Rasayans case because their trade receivables are very high and its trend over the past years has been increasing. The TR of the company in 2018 was 883.92 million, which increases to 1205 million, then close to 1300 million, and currently 1414 million which is very high and you might have to do a deeper analysis in a collection.
    • Other than this, the sector in which this company operated has seen good competition from MNCs and since they have capital, the risk is higher on companies like these in an capital intensive sector The company is dependent on its top 10 customers for 85% of the total revenue and this becomes risky because even if one of them shifts, it could impact a company’s revenue and profitability So you should see how the company retains its customers and diversify its revenues Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status.
    • After this, I will talk about a point which many people won’t talk about. Anupam Rasayan does have a long term agreement with its suppliers for raw materials and why is it important Because whenever there is a shortage of raw material, their costs shoot up and when a company doesn’t have an agreement and the prices go up, the margins and profits of the company are severely impacted. We will have to see how the company maintains its raw material costs and its margins Now I would request you to pay attention to related party transactions which are important for a healthy business.

    Also Read : Lic IPO

    Important Date’s of this ipo :

    Let’s now talk about the important dates and numbers which are Important before bidding The IPO will open on 12th March and will close on 16th March and the tentative listing date is 24th March 2021 on BSE and NSE. The price band for one lot is Rs 553 to Rs 555 and a minimum of 27 shares in a lot. The total issue size is 760 Cr Anupam Rasayan ipo Allotment Status.

  • RailTel IPO Allotment Status: Click Here to Check

    RailTel IPO Allotment Status: Click Here to Check

    RailTel IPO Allotment status will be finalized on 23rd Feb 2021. We will make Available the allotment status link on this date. Keep Visiting us for updated information on railtel ipo grey market price, Allotment Date, Allotment status link and Latest updates on this ipo.

    How to Check Railtel corporation of india Limited Ipo allotment Status ?

    Have you got the allotment of Railtel ipo? If You have applied for the railtel corporation ipo then you must be wondering whether the shares allotted you or not. If so then I’ll tell you how you can Check the Allotted shares for your application and what’s the procedure for checking the Allotment status of railtel ipo.

    There are three ways one can check the allotment status of railtel ipo.

    • 1) To Check Allotment Status in Registrar of this ipo website KFintech Private Limited.
    • 2) Check Allotted/Not Shares Status in BSE Website.
    • 3) Wait for refund or debited money from your bank account.

    Check your Allotment Status in Kfintech Private Limited Website :

    Kfintech is the registrar for railtel corporation of india limited. To check the allotment status for railtel ipo you should visit thier website allotment page and follow this procedure/steps to know whether you got the allotment or not.

    railtel corporation ipo allotment status
    • 1) Visit Kfintech Website by Clicking Here.
    • 2) Select Railtel corporation Company in the companies menu.
    • 3) Choose whether you want to use Pan card/ Application Number/ DP ID.
    • 4) Select the application type Whether ASBA or Non-ASBA.
    • 5) Enter the Application Number which you recieved while applying for the ipo.
    • 6) Enter The Captcha code for verification.
    • 7) Press Submit Tab.
    • 8) If you got the allotment it will display how many shares you have been allotted.

    How to Check Railtel IPO Allotment Status in BSE website?

    Bse is the india’s Largest stock exchange, BSE process and monitors the allotment of shares for the bids they recieved for the respective ipo. If you want to check the allotment status in BSE website you can follow this simple steps to to know your status of your application.

    railtel ipo allotment status check online
    • 1) Visit Bse page by clicking here.
    • 2) Select the issue type equity/debt.
    • 3) Now the select the issue name Railtel corporation ltd.
    • 4) Enter the application Number for the bids you applied.
    • 5) Enter the Pan card number.
    • 6) Now press the Search tab.
    • 7) If you have got the allotment the display provides the information of the application.

    Check Allotment Status in bank account:

    The easiest method to check the allotment status of your application of railtel ipo allotment status to check the bank statement of the holding funds account. On the day of allotment i.e 23rd feb 2021, Visit your internet banking section. Check the statement whether funds have debited, If yes, then you got the allotment. If you have not got the allotment the forzen funds will be credited back to your account.

    We have explained the procedure of allotment of railtel ipo shares in detailed. Hope you got the Allotment of railtel ipo shares and now waiting for listing gains. Follow us on facebook and youtube for other ipo updates as well. Now we will cover the railtel ipo grey market price in the unlisted market.

    Railtel ipo grey market Price :

    Railtel ipo grey market price (GMP today) i.e 17th of feb 2021. The current gmp for railtel is 67% above the issue price You can apply this ipo for both listing gains and long term investment. The growth prospectus for this ipo is huge as the advancement in technology have given new areas to explore in this industry as they have the monopoly in this industry there are less threats hence growth in long term is good.

    Conclusion :

    Railtel ipo allotment status ways or procedure to check is explained in detailed way. If you encounter any problems to check the allotment status then you can message us in facebook, will help you solve your queries. The allotment status will b

  • RailTel corporation ipo Analysis, GMP, Allotment Link, Date

    RailTel corporation ipo Analysis, GMP, Allotment Link, Date

    RailTel corporation IPO
     will be open for subscribtion on 16th Feb 2021. Railtel corporation of india limited ipo already buzzing in the grey market. The grey market premium for Railtel grey market price is Trading at 60% premium on the issue price.

    When many businesses had postponed their IPO plans on account of the outbreak, there’s been a continuous stream of IPOs being established in the past couple of months. Next to combine the listing is your people dilemma by RailTel Corporation of India Limited.

    Know More : LIC IPO Date

    Railtel IPO Grey Market Premium :

    Railtel IPO Grey market premium shoot up in the unlisted market on saturday. Team Syedlearns – Spoke to Mr.Manish who is a agent in the unlisted market. “Railtel ipo current gmp is trading at 60% premium, There is a huge demand from HNI’S. The current kostak price is 8500. railtel corporation of india limited ipo will see surge in prices in the coming days”.

    Ipo grey market premium will be high for this ipo. Investor’s who are waiting for the issue should wait for the last day to check the subscribtion before applying.

    RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO Details:

    IPO DateFeb 16, 2021 to Feb 18, 2021
    Issue TypeBook Built Issue IPO
    Issue Size87,153,369 Equity Shares of Rs.10 totaling up to Rs.819.24 Crore
    Fresh Issue87,153,369 Equity Shares of Rs.10 totaling up to Rs.819.24 Crore
    Face ValueRs.10 per equity share
    IPO PriceRs.93 to Rs.94 per equity share
    Market Lot155 shares
    Min Order Quantity155 shares
    Listing AtBSE, NSE

    RailTel IPO Tentative Timetable

    The RailTel IPO opens on Feb 16, 2021, and it closes date is Feb 18, 2021. The shares issue may be list on Feb 26, 2021.

    IPO Open DateFeb 16, 2021
    IPO Close DateFeb 18, 2021
    Basis of Allotment DateFeb 23, 2021
    Initiation of RefundsFeb 24, 2021
    Credit of Shares to Demat AccountFeb 24, 2021
    IPO Listing DateFeb 26, 2021

    RailTel IPO Lot Size

    The RailTel IPO market lot size is 155 shares. A retail-individual investor can apply for up to 13 lots (2015 shares or ₹189,410).

    Minimum1155Rs. 14,570
    Maximum132015Rs. 189,410

    RailTel IPO Financials :

    ParticularsFor the year/period ended (Rs in million)
    Total Assets24,821.5023,98122,276.7523,228.79
    Total Revenue5,537.8411,660.0510,382.6610,212.18
    Profit After Tax455.841,410.661,353.561,340.06

    Company Analysis :

    Here’s all You Have to know about the Matter About the Business — RailTel Corporation of India Limited. RailTel Corporation of India Limited is the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure supplier with the most significant unbiased telecom infrastructure in India. It’s a Mini Ratna (Category I) Central Public Sector Enterprise entirely owned by the Government of India and operates from the Ministry of Railways.

    The business was created to update the present method for train management, functionality, and security and create extra earnings by producing nationally multimedia and broadband system by placing optical fibre cable by using the proper way across the railroad tracks. The business provides leased line providers and MPLS-based virtual private network (VPN) facilities. The business provides internet-based line providers with varying bandwidth choices. Additionally, it supplies broadband solutions to retail clients through its own RailWire platform, including electricity, cooling, storage, and physical protection for network equipment and servers of all their organization’s customers.

    Additionally, it connects them with different telecom community providers. RailTel also supplies distance on microwave systems such as collocating base transceiver stations (BTS) for telecommunication operators, small cell sites such as expanding their cellular protection, and distance to collocating mobile switching facilities. Last, it supplies single-core black fibre for transmission of video signals to multiple network operators such as distributing cable.

    Data Center and Managed Hosting Services — Including Data Center providers such as Infrastructure for a Support (IaaS), dedicated hosting, cloud calculating, disaster recovery solutions, handled e-office provider, Aadhaar authentication assistance, along with other IT-related providers such as load balancing, application hosting, along with innovative firewall assistance, etc.

    Telepresence for a Support (PaaS) in which it features a searchable, end-to-end, protected, hosted multi renter video conferencing centre bundled together with required bandwidth for a service.

    Safety Operations Center as a Support (SOCaaS) in which its concentrated security operations centre provides consolidated cybersecurity event avoidance and safety event monitoring solutions. It delivers both offsite and onsite security solutions.

    System Recruitment Services — Including ICT Hardware, Software, and Service System tagging Digital providers such as unified communications, Wi-Fi for support, e-tendering/ e-auction/ smart obligations, and emergency management solutions. Consultancy to ICT solutions.

    Objectives of this IPO :

    Items of this Offer RailTel Corporation of India Limited suggests to use the net profits from the brand new issue to carry out the disinvestment of equity stocks and attain the advantages of equity share list on stock markets.


    Q1. What is the IPO Of RailTel Corporation of India Limited ?

    The RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO, is currently a Main Board IPO for its Matter of 87,153,369 equity stocks with the face value of Rs.10 totalling around Rs.819.24 crores. The accounts for the IPO will be currently KFintech Private Limited, and the stocks have been proposed to be listed on the BSE and NSE.

    Q2. What are the open and close dates of the RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO?

    The RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO opens February 16, 2021, also closes on February 18, 2021.

    Q3. What is the total lot size and minimum order of the RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO?

    The lot size of your RailTel IPO is 155 shares along the minimum purchase amount is 155 stocks.

    Q4. Which will be the allotment and record dates of this RailTel Corporation of India Limited IPO?

    For your RailTel IPO, the allotment and record dates are yet to be declared.Feb 23

  • List of popular in aeronautical engineering colleges in Maharashtra

    List of popular in aeronautical engineering colleges in Maharashtra

    Aerospace engineering is a wide and diversified branch, with a projected increase of 6% annually. Many private players like Tesla, Virgin Group, Dassault, HAL are continuously upgrading their performance by hiring good quality aeronautical engineers who are designing modern instruments. You must have heard about the new design bombers that are in the shape of triangles, which can even reflect the radar signals. All these modern developments are done by the skilled aeronautical engineers who design the ideas, frame the parts, check for air superiority along with safety standards, and manufacture their prototypes.

    To get into the aeronautical engineering field, one must have a minimum qualification of aeronautical engineering through any recognised university in India. We present to you a list of the five premium aeronautical Engineering Colleges in Maharashtra that have the potential to grow your career.

    Man Wearing Eyeglasses Facing Computer

    1.  Shastri Group of Institutes, Shivane

    About College: Established in 2001 in Pune by the government act, this institute is established by the umbrella body of Shastri Group of Institutes. They provide admissions in the B.E, B. Tech, AME courses in 6 courses, across 3 different streams, and the aeronautical engineering course. They provide a 4-year B.Tech course, where the fee is around INR 15 L. They have great infrastructure, excellent library and sports facilities.

    Eligibility: Students willing to join this institute should be appearing for their class 12th board exams, or must have passed it.

    Admission Process: Students must clear the JEE Main to get admission in this college.

    2.  Sanjay Ghodawat University – SGU

    About College: Established in 2009, SGU is a state-private university that provides admission in various U.G., P.G., and Ph.D. programs of engineering. The institute was established under the Government of Maharashtra, Act No XL, 2017. The courses are taught by experienced faculty members, and the institute has been awarded a grade ‘A’ by NAAC. The college has a good library facility, along with a great sports facility.

    Eligibility: Students willing to join this institute should be appearing for their class 12th board exams, or must have passed it.

    Admission Process: Students must clear the JEE Main, GATE exam to get admission in this college.

    3.  Lokmanya Tilak Jankalyan Shikshan Sanstha’s Priyadarshini College of Engineering

    About College: Established in 1990, this college was established in Nagpur to provide good quality education,  at affordable fees. This college is a private institution that has very great infrastructure , along with a library and sports facility. They provide a total of 14 courses, including the aeronautical engineering course.

    Eligibility: Students willing to join this institute should be appearing for their class 12th board exams, or must have passed it.

    Admission Process: Students must clear the JEE Main, MHT CET exam to get admission in this college.

    4.  Kreeda Maharshi Meghanath Nageshkar Sharirik Shikshanshastra Mahavidyalaya

    About College: Established in the year 1990, this college was established in Kolhapur is known to provide a four-year aeronautical engineering course that prepares talented aeronautical engineers. This is a private institution that has a great  infrastructure,  and provides 28 courses across 4 streams.

    Eligibility: Students willing to join this institute should be appearing for their class 12th board exams, or must have passed it.

    Admission Process: Students must clear the MCA, B. Arch, MHT CET exam to get admission in this college.

    5.  Priyadarshini College of Engineering

    About College: The College provides 13 courses, including the aeronautical engineering course, and is located in Nagpur.

    Eligibility: Students willing to join this institute should be appearing for their class 12th board exams, or must have passed in it.

    Admission Process: Students must clear the MCA, B. Arch, MHT CET exam to get admission in this college.

    Conclusion: Aeronautical engineering is a lucrative field, with requirements at a global level. The salary packages are very good, and enough to lead a comfortable life. You should have an undergraduate aeronautical engineering degree to apply for any aeronautical engineering roles.